Lilly Adams
(206) 462-9238
Cambridge, MA. Offices also in Washington, DC; Oakland, CA; Chicago, IL
The Union of Concerned Scientists is a 501c3 non-profit organization with a 50-year history of using science to address global problems and improve people’s lives. Our mission is to use rigorous, independent science to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. Our Global Security Program focuses on addressing the existential threat of nuclear weapons. We use technical, expert analysis combined with direct and grassroots advocacy to challenge the United States’ outdated, dangerous nuclear policies, and work to enact better nuclear policy that truly keeps us safe. As an organization, UCS is committed to advancing racial equity and working with frontline communities in all of our programs. We welcome new opportunities to do this, and always appreciate feedback from frontline community members as we expand this work.
Congressional advocacy: Support for congressional advocacy campaigns, including distributing materials and information to congressional offices, sharing our contacts with congressional staff and helping to set up lobby meetings, supporting issue briefings, etc. For example, in October 2019, UCS partnered with Tri-Valley Cares to hold a briefing for congressional staff and NGOs on the implications of plutonium pit production. Member outreach + advocacy: Sharing action opportunities with our members via email alerts and social media, with the ability to target specific members of Congress. For example, we can ask our members in certain key districts/states to contact their members of Congress about legislation. Science Network: UCS has a network of roughly 26,000 “Science Network” members – members with advanced science degrees who advocate on our issues. We could engage these members on nuclear frontline issues when an expert, credible perspective would be valuable. Raising Awareness: We can use various UCS platforms to raise awareness of our partners’ issues and advocacy efforts, through platforms like our blog, email alerts, and social media.